Christmas Part I

The holidays are a hectic time that often overwhelm me. There is a lot of build up and it takes a lot of scheduling, however when all is said and done it is always a great time of celebration. I am thankful that I spent this holiday with the people I care most about and the people I know will be in my life forever. I am also grateful that I got to sit back with my camera and capture these moments that I know we will remember forever. Here is a glimpse.

Christmas at my In-laws was especially festive because my sister and brother-in-law came to town with there two children.

You may remember Bo...the 1st grandchild and sweetest boy I know

Presents for me???

With his fun Uncle Kevan...

And although he will hate this when he is older, I could not resist posting my favorite shot of the week!

Christmas was also so memorable because we were able to meet our newest nephew for the first time.
Welcome to the world of blogging Briar Michael....

Briar and his grampa...

Kevan and I got plenty of time with Briar too!

Overall, the holidays were a success and minus the lingering colds, I wish we could start the week over again! Unfortunately, Bo and Briar went back to Iowa so I will have to wait till our next gathering to capture more shots of my boys!